
Thank you for booking with Smartguys Barbers!

We always recommend booking your appointment in advance. You can do this easily here on our website, through the 'Nearcut' app, by getting intouch with us via one of our social media accounts or give us a call. We do accept walk ins where we can but it isnt always possible on the day. Booking in advance is the best way to guarantee an appointment. We post daily availability updates on our social media accounts. PLEASE NOTE - we have a no show fee which is equivilant to the full amount of the missed appointment, there are no exceptions.

Not sure what service you should book? Looking to try something new or a first timer? Please do a tiny bit more scrolling and check out our bio section. Here you will find out abit more about how we work and what we do here at Smartguys.

- Please bring cash along with you to your appointment. We accept cash payments only, we do not have a card machine.

For the latest and most up to date shop info, please check our Facebook and Instagram accounts.  Daily updates on appointment availablity, changes to opening/closing hours, our most recent work and any other shop info are posted on these platforms daily.





Dundee city center Barbershop ran by locals

A little about the shop

Claire and Sean (both born in Dundee) have been working together/friends for nearly 8 years, first of all working alongside one another for a year in Dundees Overgate shopping center, then onto Smartguys.

Claire, originally a Hairdresser by trade before switching to Barbering 8 years ago, has 16 years experience. Sean has been a Barber, amongst many other things, for 10 years now.

Sean left the Overgate centre shop initially to cut hair from home and work in another shop before finally taking the plunge and opening Smartguys Barbers. Claire joined Smartguys a year or so later and they've been a team ever since.

Smartguys originally started out in the cowgate area of the city centre, near Rainbow music and remained there for a few years before moving on to Princes street in 2019 where we are based now. 

Claire took over Smartguys in 2021 and has been renovating the interior and exterior of the shop since. Most of the work has been done by Claire herself, some of which is still ongoing - Rome wasn't built in a day !

Let's not forget the shop Pooches

If you've been in to Smartguys you'll know we are very pet friendly! Over Fridays and Saturdays we usually have either Konan - our original shop mascot - the Siberian husky in or Juno the pocket Bully - the new addition. They are both very friendly, well natured dogs and If you are in over those days expect to be greeted by them. If you aren't so keen on dogs though please get in touch before coming in. We want you to feel comfortable in our shop.

After years in industry Sean has decided to take a step back from the shop and pursue other careers. He will no longer be working from Smartguys barbers. We wish him all the best! 

At the moment Claire is running the shop on her own and is currently open 4 days a week, Wednesday through to Saturday.  We have two 'late nights' per week, Wednesday & Thursday when the shop remains open till 8pm leaving plenty of opportunity to book an appointment outside of the 9-5. Please remember, if you need an appointment out of hours, you can always get intouch, Claire may be able to stay behind or for you in. We have recently changed the working rota to trial a  4 day work week allowing more balance between work life and home. 

Thank you for reading, The Smartguys Team.

- About us -

After Hours Appointments & Home Call Outs.

Need a haircut but we are fully booked or Maybe you just can't get in during opening hours? Struggling to get out of the house for a haircut? We offer our of hours & a home call out service at an extra charge to the normal price of the haircut requested. Contact us for more information.

Colour & Perm Price List

All colour appointments require a consultation prior to the colour service being carried out. To arrange a consultation; select 'colour consultation' in our list of services or contact us. 

All perms need a full consultation prior to the service being carried out and must be made by your stylist afterwards. You can booj a perm consultation on our booking system

All perms are £ 80

This includes a haircut after the perm is carried out. I  only perm my own clients hair.


Root tint  £40

Full head bleach from £50

full head tint  from £40

Balayage from £ 70

Half head highlights from £70

Full head higjlights from £80

Toner £20 - 30

Tips From Your Barber

First time visiting us or have a few questions about how things run here at Smartguys? Below are a few hints & tips to help put you at ease before you visit us and answer a few common questions we are asked.

- Arrive on time or just before your appointment is due. This saves you waiting before your haircut. Unless of course, you are happy to chill for while in the waiting area, don't be afraid to ask for a coffee!

- We have free parking directly outside the shop where you can park for 45 minutes.

- We do not have a card machine, cash only please or bank transfer will be accepted under special circumstances.

-  Appontment times are generally 30 - 45 minutes per client, if you would like a longer appointment or are in a hurry please let me know and i will do my best to accomodate you.

- Occasionally i may run behind which i know is not ideal for either of us at times. If i am busy i cannot take you any earlier or speed up, please be kind.

- Where possible, please come to your appointment with freshly washed hair, free of any products and oils This will allow us to see how your hair naturaly sits and will also allow us to give you a cleaner more efficient cut and finish.

- Please do not come to your appointment with dirty hair. I may on occasion wash hair if need be which will incur an extra charge.

- Dont be afraid to show us a photo of how you would like your hair to look once its finished. Quite often, an explanation just isnt enough even if it is very detailed. How the end result looks in my head may be very different to how it looks in yours, a picture is a great way for us both to have that same vision.

- New client? Please select the new client appointment when booking. This is a longer appointment than our usual 30 minutes which includes a consultation before your haircut and plenty of time to get to know you and your hair.

- Please please please let me know at the end of your appointment if you would like sometihing adjusted once i have finshed. My ego will not get in the way. I want my clients to walk out my door feeling like a million dollars and completely happy with their hair and service. Even if its a tiny thing, just let me know and we'll sort it out straight away.

- We have wifi

- You may bring your dog into the shop as long as he/she is well behaved, doesnt bark and doesnt get in the way of me carrying out your haircut. 


Tips From Your Barber - Parents and Children

In this secton of our bio you will find a few helpful tips and useful knowledge i've gained throughout my years in the industry. I know that some parents genuienly dread bringing their child in to get their haircut whilst others are in and out without the slightest fuss, its a total breeze! I have written this with the hope it will answer any questions you may have and help ease any anxiety you may feel towards bringing your child in, not only to us but to any establishment to have their hair done.

- FIRST HAIRCUTS - If you are worried your child may not be comfortable with us or that they may cause a fuss whilst in the chair please bring them in for one or two short visits before their appointment. let them wander around the shop if they feel up to it. This will allow them to get used to their surroundings and get aquainted with the person cutting their hair.

- They will always be happier going to someone that they feel is happy to have them in the chair, a smile and a friendly face goes a long way with kids.

- If you are anxious your child can pick up on that and may become anxious themselves. Relax, they are in safe, experienced hands.

- Without meaning to sound harsh, crying is fine and sometimes to be expected. Once they have been a few times it will ease. Again, relax they are in safe hands even though they seem upset.

- TODDLERS - If they are very tired & grumpy, not feeling the best or just having off day dont expect an easy experience if you decide they need a haircut. Toddlers arent capable of handling their emotions at the best of times and certainly wont in the barber chair under the above conditons.

- Healthy snacks are a great distraction. Sweeties should always be kept for the reward after their haircut.

- Check your childs hair is free from 'little unwanted passengers' before coming to the shop.

- Please try not to give your children tablets and phones during their haircut unless completely necessary. I like to try and have a conversation with the children that come in to me where possible which helps build trust and lets be honest, they spend enough time on their gadgets. Their heads hanging down infront of them actually hinders the haircut.

- Parents - Try not to hang around the chair to much during their haircut unless it is completely necessary. 

- Filling them to the brim with sugary treats before bringing them in for a haircut  is never a good idea.

- If your child is happy to have their haircut but doesnt like sitting for long periods of  time, i would advise going for a simpler style to start of with. Epecially for smaller kids.

- Do not expect a work of art if your child is very fidgety, turns their head or moves constantly. We do our best but we are not miracle workers. Imagine trying to draw a straight line whilst riding a horse. Not going to happen.

Our Services and What They Involve

New client Haircut -  Please select this service if you are a new customer. This is a slightly longer appointment (40 minutes) which will allow me to have a consultation pre - cut and will give me plenty of time to get to know your and your hair.

Gents Haircut - Usually a single guard used to trim the sides and back, edges cleaned up and the top trimmed down to desired length. A simple classic cut. Takes around 20 minutes.

Skinfade/Taper -  Sides are blended upwards, usually from bald/a zero or the nape of the neck and the hair from the side burns upwards is tapered. There are alot of different varients of the 'skinfade' and they can take some time to do. You can discuss your desired finish with your barber.

Restyle - This appointment is for those of you with either very long/ overgrown hair and you are looking to trim it down to a style or if you want to switch from one style to another. This can often take extra time. Very long hair will usually incur an extra charge of £5 

Mullet - Speaks for itself. 

Haircut & Beardtrim  - Any of the above haircuts with a beard trim and shape. Usually takes 45 minutes. Longer beards will incur an extra charge of £2

The full works -  This includes any of the above haircuts along with a beard trim, mini facial, ear and nose hair removal, eyebrow trim and finshed with a wash and dry.  Please select 'The full works' shave included if you would like a shave rather than a beard trim.

All of our other services are quite self explanatory.

SmartGuys Barbers - 19 Princes Street, dundee

19 Princes Street








09:30 - 20:00


09:30 - 20:00


09:30 - 18:00


08:00 - 14:00



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